Starting from our humble beginnings as a group of film nerds, obsessed with the 70s and 80s horror we lapped up as impressionable children, ShadowHouse was built from the fabric of young filmmakers, with a passion for the cinema arts.
Materializing as “NewGil Video” in 1995 by two High School students from Seattle, Washington, NewGil Pictures became a 501(c)(3) organization in 1997, with a focus on all aspects of film and video production for budding filmmakers. Through the years, NewGil produced, as well as assisted other filmmakers in realizing their dream of bringing their stories to fruition.
In 2012, ShadowHouse Films was formed as a filmmaking collective consisting of both NewGil Pictures and HighRoad Entertainment (our distribution arm).
As we peer into the great abyss of creativity, we aim to continue working together as an independent film studio, and produce content that both enlightens and entertains!